About Us

Founded in 2024

We are unwavering in our pursuit to optimize capital usage, aiming to secure robust returns for our investors.

To amplify our effectiveness, we have cultivated a team-oriented culture dedicated to unearthing superior ideas and transforming them into tangible outcomes. Through collaborative effort and shared learning  we develop innovative solutions that uncover new market prospects.

Our Culture

The company’s culture prioritizes meticulous attention to detail, diligence, innovation, and perseverance. The firm actively trades in securities across the capital structure and frequently assumes a prominent position in event-driven scenarios to enhance value or mitigate risk.

Our Focus

Stargate Funds considers several aspects of its investment and risk management practices crucial for consistently delivering returns to its investors. These include adopting an opportunistic trading strategy, actively creating value rather than merely identifying it, ensuring effective liquidity management, and addressing operational and counterparty risks. Stargate Funds utilizes a value- enhancing global investment approach.